پاکستان میں Mostbet com ویب سائٹ ملاحظہ کریں، اور آپ یقینی طور پر کھیلوں پر شرط لگانے یا آن لائن کیسینو میں کھیلنے کے لیے یہاں واپس آنا چاہیں گے۔ کھیلوں کے شائقین کو ایونٹس کے ایک بڑے انتخاب، مختلف پروموشنز اور بونسز، مفت بیٹس، مفت گھماؤ اور زیادہ مشکلات تک رسائی حاصل ہے۔ اور کھیل کو مزید آسان بنانے کے لیے، ہم نے ایک موبائل ایپلیکیشن تیار کی ہے جسے آپ آسانی سے اپنے فون پر انسٹال کر سکتے ہیں۔

Cheapo Wino Review Wednesday! Cline, Red Zin



It’s Cheapo Wino Review Wednesday, because boob jobs aren’t cheap and you need to save your money somewhere! (psst, Lauren, your secret’s safe with me.)

Today’s selection:


Cline 2012 Ancient Vines Zinfandel – $14.99

Vintner’s Notes: To taste the depth and complexity of flavor of an ancient vine grape just before it is harvested is to understand why the wine made from them is so special. Ancient Vines Zinfandel has flavors of dark berries, coffee and chocolate with great vanilla oak character and a long lingering finish. This wine has it roots in the Cline family’s 80 to 100-year old vines in Oakley. From these historic holdings the wine has grown to include grapes sourced from California’s finest zinfandel regions.

Winemaker Notes: “Wonderful, fat strawberry, with coffee and chocolate characters. Ripe fruit and soft tannins make this a mouth-coating rich vintage.”


Kim’s Notes: “What’s behind door number 2? It’s a new car!”


There’s no question about it, this tasted like chewy car leather. But wait! ….I liked it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a Mercedes or Lexus quality leather, but it definitely wasn’t pleather either.


I couldn’t help notice that nowhere in the winemaker’s notes did they mention leather, so I asked Brian to try it. He “claimed” he didn’t taste leather either. Bullshit! But I wasn’t really surprised, he never agrees with me on anything. Never ever. Here, allow me to prove my point:


This one time we were at our local Friendly’s Restaurant and I said to him, “Our waiter looks just like that actor Jake Gyllenhaal.”


“Would you like hot fudge on that?”


and he said, “No way. He couldn’t look less like Jake Gyllenhaal if he tried.” Then I said to the waiter, “Do people ever say you look like someone famous?” and he said, “Yes, everyone says I look like Jake Gyllenhaal.”


When the waiter walked away, Brian turned to me and whispered, “Who’s Jake Gyllenhaal anyway?” ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He disagreed with me without even knowing who the actor was?!!! So I pulled Jake’s picture out of my wallet and he says,”Yup, looks nothing like him.” I swear he does this for sport. This is just one of the reasons I drink, people.


Anyway, back to the wine. It tastes like leather, but in a good, oaky way. And it has a nice firm body that pairs nicely with hot dogs, handfuls of chocolate chips, and the general family bitching that occurs around bedtime. Buy some today!


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PS- just by clicking, you voted. No need to do anything else! Relax, take the rest of the day off.
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Tips for Tuesday! Baby Wipe Bins: Not just for butt wiping!

You know I love and care about you guys deeply, right? You also know that my Tips for Tuesday, while dysfunctional and at times totally inappropriate, are meant to make your life easier and/or more interesting, right? Well, I decided that I’d bring you even more awesome tips by reaching out to some of my favorite bloggers on the web! Together, we can solve any problem! It’s like Hillary Rodham Clinton said, “It take the Village People.” I’m not really sure what she meant by that but I’ll be the construction worker.

Today’s tip is brought to you by Stephanie from When Crazy Meets Exhaustion! I just love this chick! She’s funny, smart, and disgustingly adorable. Hmm…maybe I hate her sometimes?

I first met Steph when she asked me if I’d like to guest post on her hilarious Oversharing blog series. I jumped at the opportunity, and we all know I had no trouble writing THAT post! After all, almost all my posts are oversharing. My poor husband. Anyway, after reading her tip, you MUST check her site out- you’ll laugh your ass off!



Do you love Pinterest? Shut up.

Pinterest makes me feel inferior. All those assholes showing off their homemade birthday party decorations and treat bags can bite me. We don’t have three Dollar Generals within a four mile radius ‘round these parts for nothin’!

When I change a light bulb, I don’t hollow it out and add water to create a dainty hanging planter complete with blooms from my luscious garden. I throw that shit away because, hellooooo?!, it’s a burned out light bulb. And my garden? It’s my dogs’ toilet.

Who has the time to do this stuff?! Can anyone give me tips that will actually make my life easier and infinitely more entertaining?!

Oh, yeah; Kim can. And that’s why I love her. I love her so much that I’m sharing one of my best bad ideas with you fine folk. So sit back, relax, take off your bra if that’s what does it for ya, and behold:



I had two kids in 22 months. That added up to a lot of love and a lot of butt wiping. I started buying baby wipes in bulk to avoid losing a child beneath a heap of plastic bins, but despite my efforts, I was up to my eyeballs in blue plastic. Talk about waste!

Or not…

First up is what I have affectionately dubbed “Awww Hell Naw I Ain’t Watching Caillou Again:”


It was bad enough when I only had to share the remote with my husband, but now these little people are in my house and demanding I turn off HGTV so they can catch the latest episode of The Wiggles. Simply close the lid and conceal your lie: “I have no idea where the remote is. Sorry kids!”


I know we all have our own vices, and mine is sugar. I’ll share my uterus, but I will NOT share my chocolate.


And from what I understand, it’s frowned upon to share these with the kids:

Additional tip: these little puppies make the perfect stowaways in your diaper bag when headed to a family reunion, amusement park, or doctor appointment. Don’t judge.


My daughter is constantly approaching me with open hands and a sweet smile. Because she wants money. I used to try and distract her with a kiss or a coloring book, but she pushes away from me like I’m the old perv uncle of the family. Now she just helps herself into my purse. (Author’s note: as I was writing this, my daughter legit swallowed a penny. I had to call the pediatrician whereupon I learned that consuming coins is “normal.” As today is my seventh wedding anniversary and the traditional gift is copper, I feel like this is also “thoughtful.” Thanks, kid.)


And while we’re on the topic of my little princess, she has been increasingly difficult to feed. If it’s not Pap-Pap’s pasta or pizza or these…

…the child will not eat. I’ve enshrouded the deliciousness in here in an effort to force-feed her some vegetables, but since we are now waiting 5-7 days for the penny to pass, she can eat whatever the hell she wants.


And finally, have you any Legos or other annoying toys that tempt you to start a house fire just to be rid of them? If you answered no to that question, you’re a liar. My kids have a room filled with stuff. So much of it that I can’t wrap my brain around why they insist on playing with these creepy things:

For one thing, I step on these little effers ten times a day. For another, they don’t blink; therefore they are Satan’s playthings. Let’s close Pandora’s Box once and for all, shall we?


I’d love to hear what you do with your empty wipe bins. Unless, of course, you’ve fashioned them into a transistor radio or papier mâchéd that shit into a Christmas gift. Seriously, how do you have friends?


Stephanie, wife of one, mother of two, English teacher of many, rants about parenting, education, and stupid people over at her place, WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion. She would like to thank her husband for not leaving her, and her entire family for providing enough writing fodder to last a lifetime. Follow her crazy on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and, if you’re really bored, Instagram.


Make sure to vote for Steph when visiting her site!
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The Weekend in Crappy Pics.

As you may have read last week, my backyard Camp Cheapo was cut short by an illness that raged within my body for several days, thanks to a certain little Camper (or Influenza Trojan Horse, as I like to call her). At one point, my body temperature soared to 99.9, and I was completely delirious! I could barely finish painting my nails. But thanks to Tylenol and a kick ass martini recipe, I pulled through.

Anyway, before getting sick, one of my readers gave me a great project idea for my campers, and I was dying to try it (illness/death pun not intended). So on Friday, I decided to try it with my own kids. Now brace yourself…ready?…it had educational value. Gasp! I know, right? Normally I would shy away from that type of summer activity, but it required a pizza box and I’m always looking for ways to deplete my supply. We order a lot of pizza.

I called Collin downstairs (Ana was already up my ass) and said,”Guess what? We’re going to make a Pizza Box Solar Oven and bake cookies in it!” And he said, “That sounds like fun! Call me when they’re ready.” and tried to run back upstairs.

Oh, hell nooo!

Here she is! Isn’t she a beaut!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the Solar Oven baking time on the back of the cookie mix. But knowing it was high noon, the humidity level was at 50%, and the wind blew at 1mph, I solidly declared that they’d be ready in 23-25 minutes.

At that moment, I honestly believed I could survive in the wilderness with nothing but a pizza box and a can of deet bug spray.

Twenty-five minutes later *ding*, I wasn’t so sure. They were still raw. Forty minutes later, still not done. An hour later, nope not yet.

At sunset, we were forced to bring it in and eat the dough with a fork. We later switched to spoons.

You know what my kids learned? They learned to hate solar energy, one disgusting cookie at a time.

On Saturday, we decided to round up all of our old DVD’s and take them to 2nd & Charles to sell back for cash or store credit. If you’ve never done this before, basically you take your used books, video games, DVD’s, etc., give them to the cashier for evaluation, and shop for an hour while you wait for them to call your number.

Ok, it wasn’t an actual hour, just a perceived one…

While we were waiting, the big question was “How much do you think we’ll get for everything?”

Collin: “$80”

Brian: “$150”

Ana: too busy climbing a bookshelf

Me: “$90”

Brian:”If we’re only buying about $24 in new books, what happens to the left over credit?”

Kim: “We should ask for the cash, and use it to pay for dinner!”

Collin: “Or to buy a guitar?”

Brian: “Or as a down payment on a new car!”

Kim: “I’ve always wanted diamond earrings!”

They called our number…

Cashier lady:” Would you like $4.50 in cash or $9.00 in store credit?”


You see, we left the house with this many DVDs:

and we were sent back with this many:

WTF? They only took 3 DVDs. Three. Three. (Obviously, this is not a sponsored post.)

See any titles you’d like to purchase from us?


When we returned home and checked the mail, we were reminded that Mr. Bojangles has a birthday coming up:

What kind of doggie birthday gift is that? I’m pretty sure he’d rather receive a coupon to have his anal glands expressed.

Even the dog on the card looks sad and stricken with separation anxiety.

On Sunday, Brian wanted all of us to go bowling together. Quite frankly, I just wanted some time alone. He tried the “You have to come, it’s quality family time.” guilt, and it might of worked if this hadn’t happened earlier…

What’s this? THIS is a reminder that I haven’t been alone since school ended. THIS is Ana busting into the bathroom with her flashlight, turning off the lights, and asking me to make shadow puppets with her…nevermind what I’m doing.

Have fun bowling, kids.

Guess what guys? I just found out that my Beaver Babies are on Scary Mommy today! Click the button & check it out!

Psst…could you do me a little fave and click the banner below and throw me a vote? Just a click validates me. Thanks!
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Notes from Camp Cheapo, Day 3, Season 2

A letter to the Camp Cheapo parents:



Dear Camp Cheapo Campers,

It’s with a heavy heart that I say, the garage doors of Camp Cheapo are officially closed for the remainder of the week.

It seems that one of our campers brought more than her enthusiasm with her on Tuesday afternoon.

Yes, by now you probably realize that Camper X was teeming with, not only excitement, but with a vicious influenza related virus waiting to attack your little camper bodies.

Out of respect and privacy for the family (who single handedly shut down Camp Cheapo merely by showing up), I will not reveal the identity of this camper. After all, crushing the summertime dreams of neighborhood friends must be a hard thing for a little, blonde haired girl from Rosewood Street to live with.

Last night, as I was feverishly measuring out 2 tablespoons of Tylenol, I couldn’t help but to think how Camp Cheapo could improve in the areas of hygiene and illness prevention. So after speaking with our Camp Director, Events Coordinator, and Lead Counselor (me,me, and me), we decided that next year’s activities will be expanded to include Delousing Powder Relays, Surgical Mask Art, and water balloons filled with hand sanitizer.

I’ve enclosed a group picture from the first day of Camp for each of you, as a memento of our brief, but good times together.

I urge you to please let go of any resentment that you might hold towards your fellow camper (who shall remain nameless, because that’s the right thing to do). Besides, it could have been any one of us.

“My favorite part of Camp Cheapo was the the Dunk Bucket! My least favorite part was the sore throat and raging fever.” – Collin, age 9



Camp Director


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